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Creativity in the period of Curfew

Creativity by Ranganath Krishnamani in the period of curfew. A gratitude & salute to all the superheroes in the front line, fighting against all odds, serving people, saving lives

Let’s face it, we are on lockdown and we are falling short of ‘resources’ at our homes to fiddle with and engage our time in. Stepping outside is a luxury for those of us locked in (it’s a nightmare for people stepping out) and if the inspiration is lacking, our spirits aren’t scoring aces either. Now allow me to decode the scenario here.

You are restless, the work is in a permanent low tide and you fear you might be heading towards a creative block. Creative juices flowing again.

Here’s how

If the first two lines have been oddly relatable, then the article might be just what you need to read. If not, well congrats folks but it would still help to take a look (or if the lockdown extends). We are all set to beat the block and get those

1. Brainstorm, scribble and scribble some more

Here’s a revelation- It helps, when you have nothing in your head, to put down on paper everything that is in your head. Take a notepad and make a rough design or write down a list of all your ideas. Then, once you are done, sit back, pat your shoulders and try to connect dots. You never know your bunch of insane ideas might end up combining into a successful (and sane, obviously) project.

2. Take a break

Sometimes a well-timed break is not just a necessary idea but a needed part of the design process itself. How?

It’s simple. Distancing yourself from your project not only helps you to break the monotonicity of toying with the same idea over and over again but also gives a fresher perspective of things. In the times of lockdown try indulging in other activities that can help clear your head, be it cooking, gardening, painting, or even meditating.

3. Define your creative space

We mean the physical kind. So what if it is a work desk? It doesn’t have to look like one. This is just the time to inject your workspace with some fun, creativity, and everything that is ‘you’.

4. Go Random

For once, you don’t have to be driven by the preset rules of the design trends. As the massive cloud uncertainty looms over us, it is only a matter of pure individuality where one drives inspiration from. Explore your mind through and search through the doors of your most random ideas. This might be the time to create something uniquely new for the world to see.

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